
Thursday, October 7, 2010

UPDATE: Obama to Veto foreclosure bill...

Now you know why they want to control the internet...

Blogs Win One: Obama's First Veto Will Be H.R. 3808---Mortgage Foreclosure Documentation Bill

President Obama has decided he can not take the heat from the masses and he will veto the bill which would give bankers the ability to foreclose on houses, even when they do not have proper documentation.

According to WSJ, President Barack Obama won't sign into law an overlooked piece of legislation that critics say would make it easier for banks and others to process foreclosure proceedings without human signatures, a person familiar with the matter said. This will be the first veto issued by President Obama. In this instance, he will send the bill back to Congress using a process known as a "pocket veto."

Chock this veto up to the blogsphere, who got wind of the legislation which Congress tried to pass with little notice. The word spread in the blogsphere and the President determined he wouldn't be able to deal with the backlash form signing such a bill, with it's obvious benefits to the elite banks.


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