
Sunday, October 24, 2010

The slippery slope...

Justify a 'hit list'

Anwar Awlaki, an Al Qaeda agent believed to be in Yemen, reportedly is on a U.S. 'targeted killings' list. The Obama administration should have to justify to a court of law its reasoning that the U.S. citizen should be assassinated

Should a federal court have any say over whether a U.S. citizen can be targeted for killing by his own government without due process of law? The Obama administration has submitted a lengthy document to a federal court that can be summed up in one disappointing word: No.

The Justice Department's attempt to keep the courts out of the case of Anwar Awlaki, an Al Qaeda propagandist thought to be hiding in Yemen, is reminiscent of the Bush administration's aversion to any meaningful involvement by the courts in the war on terror. The judiciary shouldn't agree to be sidelined.


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